recording studio Prague

video studio Prague

Choose a voice for advertising,
corporate film, dubbing

from dozens of professional Czech actors
and dubbers. Choose a voice, send the text
and we will make the voiceover

czech voice artist databank for voice over, dubbing ON-LINE
production of voice over, production of dubbing, production of audio books, production of comments sound post-production, post-production video sound design, original music, atmospheres, effects, multimedia show production video shooting, video editing, video effects, color grading
voice over, dubbing,
audio books, comments
mix 2.0, mix 5.1,
mastering, effects
music, multimedia shows,
effects, dramaturgy

production of video advertising,
documents, music video

We produce professional sound for TV commercial spots,
corporate videos, product videos, documentaries and feature films.

We create a mix of 2.0 STEREO and 5.1 DOLBY STEREO sound,
including creating noises, atmospheres, sound effects, mastering
and preparing sound for TV broadcasts.


We produce advertising TV videos, movie trailers, corporate videos,
product videos, documentaries.

Professional editing, keying, effects, subtitles, color grading, export.
We create creative 2D and 3D animations for commercial videos.
We process delivered RAW data up to 6K format

voice sound

music sound

effects sound

audio/video synchronization

sound mixing and mastering

audio standards for TV (LUFS)

editing, video editing

image corrections

color grading, filters

audio/video synchronization

video effects creation, keying

graphics, 2D and 3D animation

mix and mastering sound

audio standard for TV (LUFS)

author licensed music

music dramaturgy

soundesign, noise, sounds

video editing and processing

image and sound synchronization

color grading

online database of voices

men, women, children

advertising videos

corporate videos


radio spots

PC games, apps

native speaker SK, ENG, DE, ESP

film dubbing Lip Sync

series, TV shows

children's dubbing

translations and text adaptations

song lyrics adaptations

casting online

timecode preparation

turnkey dubbing

+420 731 572 985 I +420 728 956 292 I voiceoverbankprague@gmail.com I www.voiceoverbank.cz

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